06 April 2008

Press Release Me, Let Me Know II

Unshaven, unkempt and several weeks late, I hereby present the latest installment of totally useless but intriguingly gratifying information as supplied by the barrage of PR correspondence that passed my way recently.


The finalists have been announced for the 2008 UK Beatbox Championships, to be held at the Islington Carling Academy on June 13th.

They include three London entries, a brace from Leeds, a couple from Nottingham and some bloke called Minamus from Bristol. The legendary Beardyman – champion in both 2006 and 2007 – will be presiding on the judging panel this year and will be joined by fellow beatboxing royalty, Killa Kella and Shlomo.

Interestingly, the entire event is sponsored by car manufacturer, Vauxhall, and the overall winner will not only wear the crown of glory, but also ride away in a brand new Vauxhall Corsa “complete with air conditioning, Bluetooth technology, metallic paint and meaty 17" alloys”. Check it!

Save the cherry

Did you realise the robust British cherry is near extinction? Apparently, in the last 50 years the area in Kent under orchard has shrunk by 85% due to cheaper alternatives being imported from afar.

This is why a campaign is being launched to raise awareness of the cherry’s plight. They’re calling it, wait for it, Cherry Aid (genius!) and the cause will be highlighted at the Real Food Festival in Earls Court on April 24th, thanks to FoodLoversBritain.com. There’s even an inaugural British Cherry Day set for Saturday July 19th. I was curious to find out what other events this might coincide with, so I dug a little deeper.

Saturday 19th July is also scheduled for National Infertility Day. Hopefully there wont be too many clashes there.

Plus, Saturday 19th July is the day that the World Snail Racing Championships take place at The Cricket Field in Congham, Norfolk. It is being held as part of the Congham Church annual fete (like it isn’t a big enough event by itself!!). Allegedly, more than 200 snails (voluntarily?) take part in the races every year and the current World Champion is called Sidney. Although Sidney covered a massive 13 inch course in 3 minutes 28 seconds to claim the title he was well outside the 2-minute world record, set by the legendary Archie in 1995.

I promise you, I am NOT making this up.


The folks at Bouncyhappypeople.co.uk have conducted a study into the effects of using a trampoline as a way to stay healthy. According to their results, trampoline bouncing burns, on average, 35% more calories than cycling and 10% more than jogging. It also improves posture, muscle tone, co-ordination, balance as well as helps the lympahatic drainage system get rid of unwanted toxins.

The g-force involved in trampolining floods the cells with oxygen thus giving an energy boost. So, the ‘early morning hot, double-shot cappuccino whilst trampolining’ combo should keep you wired for the rest of the day (the study didn’t actually quote this. I just read between the lines)

Size Zero

Antler, makers of superior luggage, have come up with what they claim to be “probably the world's lightest structured large Roller-Case”. The Size Zero super light luggage weighs in at an astonishing 3.6kg - that’s lighter than my cat – providing a wealth of opportunity to cram in more holiday junk. And just because the case is light doesn’t mean it’ll break mid-airport dash. Apparently, durability tests on the luggage included: stacking it under 120kgs to simulate in-flight conditions; throwing it fully-loaded down the equivalent of 12 continuous flights of stairs; as well as pulling the handle 10,000 times - my only question, who was counting and did they lose count at any point? (*Ok, that’s two questions)


Eco-eatery, Pod, has just opened its second fast food eatery in The City. Nothing particularly remarkable about that. That is until you read some of their waste minimising and recycling stats:

- 80% of their packaging is completely compostable thanks to plant-based polymer cutlery, sugar bagasse hot food containers and PLA sandwich wrappers made from organic corn starch
- their chairs and tables are made from recycled plastic
- their uneaten food and used packaging is fed into an anaerobic digester which ferments it by mixing it with pig manure. This is then transformed into electricity which is fed into the national grid (*according to the Waste and Resources Action Programme, we Brits throw away 6.7million tons of food per year)


Lastly and most excitingly (as long as we’re blessed with a long hot summer), the cleverest clogs at Leblon – the first Super Premium white Cachaca – have come up with the Rio Popsicle, a tarragon infused Caipirinha iced lolly.

If you’ve got the wedge to wangle one of these yummy lollies you’ll need to pop along to some of the city’s more refined establishments:

- Oxo Tower
- Nobu Berkeley
- Cuckoo Club
- Mahiki
- Lost Society
- Kitts
- The Kingly Club
- Beach Blanket Babylon
- Trailer Happiness

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